Washington, DC
3,540 SF SQFT
2017 AIA Washingtonian Residential Design Award
2015 AIA Washingtonian Residential Design Award
Residential Architect, Vol 3, August 2015: "Up Front: Kitchen, E/L Studio"
Washingtonian, July 2015 "Inside the 8 Winning Homes of the Washingtonian Residential Design Awards, Shop/House, E/L Studio, Shaw"
Residential Architect, December 16, 2014: "Shop/House: E/L STUDIO"
HOMEDSGN, October 25, 2014: "Naylor Ct by E/L Studio"
Refinery29, October 2, 2014 "This Horse Stable Was Transformed Into Something Brilliant"
STUZKA-WNETZKA.PL, September 16, 2014: "Naylor Court Residence / Studio"
World Architecture News, September 10, 2014: "Shop/House at Naylor Ct."
Design Milk, September 8, 2014: "An 1800's Horse Stable Becomes a Studio with a Home Above" by Caroline Williamson
Architecture Lab, August 11, 2014: "Naylor Ct Studio / Residence"
Contemporist, August 10, 2014: "Horse Stable Converted Into Contemporary Live-Work Space"
Washingtonian, October 2014: "Dream Kitchens" by Mary Clare Glover
Washingtonian, July 2014: "Divine Design: Washington Residential Architecture Awards Winners" by Mary Clare Glover
Urban Turf, February 8, 2013: "The Live/Work Carriage House of Naylor Ct."